Home Business Tallahassee Bystander app now available

Tallahassee Bystander app now available

by The 100 Companies
tallahassee bystander app

Local law enforcement unveiled a first-of-its-kind mobile app, called Tallahassee Bystander as a way for residents to interact with the City of Tallahassee and the Tallahassee Police Department — specifically, video recordings.

According to a recent Tallahassee Democrat story, “videos recording on the app stream off the phone live, so that when a video starts, it cannot be censored or edited. The app also does not require registration, so video submissions are anonymous.”

The app lets you capture incidents with videos automatically streamed to your city government — privately, securely and whether you’re online or offline. More info here.

– Christina Johnson, On 3 Public Relations

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