If you’re reading this and are of a certain age, say 40ish, would you believe that getting older happens in …
Early detection through preventive care can save lives, reduce treatment costs and improve long-term outcomes.
Nestled in southwest Portland, Oregon, this exclusive private wellness retreat offers a truly unique experience.
As we say goodbye to the lazy days of summer, how do we reenergize ourselves to get our groove back?
Press ReleasesWellness
Award-Winning Life Coach and Author Sahil Kumar Nagpal Unveils Holistic Approach to Leadership Development and Personal Transformation
Sahil Kumar Nagpal, a leading life coach, author and researcher based in India, is revolutionizing the landscape of personal and …
The state House unanimously passed a bill by Rep. Gallop Franklin that would allow pharmacists to help in the fight …
Tallahassee has trails for different levels of fitness, all with beautiful scenery to keep you motivated.
Take a walk on the wild side … or any side, just start walking! A StreetLight Data study says Americans …
You have an important meeting coming up and it’s your responsibility to bring the team a big idea.
According to the Allergy and Asthma Network, asthma attacks increase during the third week of September due to the “perfect …
Online fitness classes expanded greatly during the pandemic and remain popular, but much of the world is ready to head …
If you suspect your employees are feeling stress at the office, watch the way they move their computer mouse.
Cyclists with Cure on Wheels embarked Sunday on a four-day, 325 mile bike ride to raise money for Moffitt Cancer …
It’s so easy and affordable to undergo hair transplant surgery to improve your personal appearance, I wrote “Headscape: How a bald …
A CEO’s best hair day was in seventh grade.He then proceeds to lose it – in more ways than one.
“The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness.
There are nearly 20 million veterans in the U.S.
With spring around the corner, it’s time for spring cleaning – and that includes your personal well being too.
Advancements in the fitness world change the way people view their workouts.
If you haven’t already set a resolution for 2022, you might want to consider walking more. The benefits are endless …
If you are making New Year’s resolutions to eat healthier, spend less or lose weight, your solution to all of …
Movember, also known as No-Shave November, is a global movement that encourages men to grow out their facial hair all …
Yoga’s known for being relaxing, but when you add in goats, it becomes a bit more fun… While there’s only …
The Florida Hospital Association and the Florida Medical Association released PSAs promoting COVID-19 vaccines in English and Spanish.
Whether you’re in the office or working remotely, chances are, you spend the majority of your day sitting down.
Have you heard you should “eat the rainbow”? (No, we aren’t talking about candy!) A fruit or vegetable’s color can …
Whether you’re wanting to lose a few pounds for the summer, upcoming reunion, or as you’re heading back to the …
It’s hot.And, let’s face it, it’s just going to get hotter in the coming months. Here in Florida especially, we …
Add home fireworks use, grilling mishaps, overexposure to heat plus sprinklings of alcohol to dull internal decision making, and Independence …
“Career transitions can be difficult” is a statement that rings especially true for veterans, many of whom are not just …