Home LifestyleFood Have a sweet Fourth: Pick the right watermelon

Have a sweet Fourth: Pick the right watermelon

by The 100 Companies

Watermelon is as much a part of celebrating July Fourth as hot dogs and fireworks. But picking the right melon isn’t easy.

Katherine and Rodney Quick, owners of Tallahassee’s K&R Hidden Farms, have a few tips:

Look for a big yellow spot on the bottom and feel if the watermelon has some ridges or bumps.

Best advice: Get a vine-ripened melon from your local farm. It is a slice of juicy goodness that works wonders in a salad, on a charcuterie board, grilled, mixed in a slushie or a cocktail or frozen as a popsicle.

“Use your imagination,” Katherine said.

– Rochelle Koff, Tallahassee Table

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