Home Public Affairs Attorney General warns Floridians of COVID-19 scams

Attorney General warns Floridians of COVID-19 scams

by The 100 Companies
COVID-19 scam warning

Sadly, scammers never stop trying to make a dishonest dollar – not even amid a pandemic.

Several scams reportedly include Centers for Disease Control and Prevention imposters dressed in lab coats and masks going door to door offering free COVID-19 tests and fraudsters calling seniors, offering free test kits if they provide a Medicare number.

Anyone encountering a coronavirus stimulus package scam or any other type of COVID-19 fraud should contact my office at 1(866) 9NO-SCAM or MyFloridaLegal.com. Also, check pages for previous Consumer Alerts and tips on how to avoid COVID-19 scams, along with a video on stimulus-related scams.

– Ashley Moody, Florida Attorney General

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