Home Lifestyle Room Rater: How does yours stack up?

Room Rater: How does yours stack up?

by The 100 Companies
Room Rater

As media interviews are now being conducted from basements, kitchens, living and dining rooms, man caves and she sheds, my eye naturally gravitates toward various backdrops. Normally, of course, us communications pros are always looking for “the shot.”

So, how do these Skype updates flooding the airwaves and internet stack up? One Twitter account, Room Rater (@RateMySkypeRoom), provides a running commentary, dissecting rooms of academics, celebrities, politicians and journalists. Everyone is fair game.

More than 107,000 followers have joined since April. Check out their 1 through 10 rating system, with suggestions on adding plants, moving books and changing furniture layout.

Christina Johnson, On 3 Public Relations

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